Summary Conviction Law for Paralegals

1st Edition

Gargi Mukherji
eISBN-13: 9781552397909

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Additional Book Details

Summary Conviction Law for Paralegals is designed specifically for college students enrolled in paralegal diploma programs. This new and highly anticipated text is a one-stop resource that balances the theoretical and practical application of criminal law from a paralegal perspective, and cross-references the Criminal Code, the Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice, the Charter, and includes relevant excerpts from the LSO Paralegal Rules of Conduct. It offers extensive coverage of search and arrest a key component of the majority of defences to a charge and a section on drafting pre-trial applications, along with rules for serving and filing the applications in court, which is a necessary component of the course, as well as in practice.

ISBNs 9781552397909, 9781552395943
Publish Year 2014
Language English
Edition 1st