World Politics in a New Era

6th Edition

Steven L. Spiegel; Elizabeth G. Matthews; Jennifer M. Taw; Kristen P. Williams
eISBN-13: 9780197544198

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Additional Book Details

World Politics in a New Era is a comprehensive and thought-provoking text for introductory courses on world politics. Reflecting the changes that have occurred worldwide - from the collapse of the Berlin Wall to recent upheavals in the global financial sphere - the book integrates coverage of the competing threads of globalization and fragmentation, examining how they tangle and weave through studies of global politics, economics, and culture.

World Politics in a New Era, 6e, provides an in-depth treatment of the field by introducing key contemporary issues along with theory; supporting these issues with historical context; and giving students the analytical tools to apply the theories to current issues. It introduces the major theories used to explain international relations - realism, liberalism, constructivism, and a few select alternatives. Discussions of these theories are then incorporated into the narrative throughout the text, creating a useful framework for analysis. Extensive historical coverage in four chapters (3-6) reviews key events in world politics from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 to the present, offering students the best context to fully comprehend the modern political stage. Chapters 7-14 cover key topics in contemporary world politics: security, trade and investment, development, human and resource issues, global governance, and ethics.

ISBNs 0197544193, 9780199965625, 9780197544198
Language English
Edition 6th