Strategic Management

5th Edition

Frank Rothaermel
eISBN-13: 9781264103713

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Additional Book Details

Strategic Management, 5e by Frank T. Rothaermel is the fastest growing Strategy title in the market because it uses a unified, singular voice to help students synthesize and integrate theory, empirical research, and practical applications with current, real-world examples. His approach not only offers students a learning experience that uniquely combines rigor and relevance, but also provides tight linkage between the concepts and cases. Rothaermel 5e prepares students with the foundation they need to understand how companies gain and sustain competitive advantage, while developing students’ skills to become successful future leaders capable of making well-reasoned strategic decisions.

ISBNs 9781265094713, 1264103719, 9781264302796, 9781264103799, 9781264103713, 9781260261288, 9781260550122, 9781260261288
Language English
Edition 5th