Interactive: Cultural Anthropology

10th Edition

A Global Perspective Interactive eBook

Raymond Scupin
eISBN-13: 9781071807040

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SAGE/CQ Press Interactive eBooks feature exclusive premium video content and study resources to help you succeed in your course.

and nbsp;Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective addresses the need for a holistic approach to the study of human cultures with attention to the four fields of anthropology. The Tenth Edition is organized around four themes: the diversity of human societies, the similarities that tie all humans together, the interconnections between the sciences and humanities, and the importance of reducing essentialist beliefs about different cultures and ethnic groups. With a balanced approach of both optimistic and pessimistic views on globalization, author Raymond Scupin uses both classical and contemporary research to bring students closer to theories, data, and critical thinking skills. 


Sold By SAGE Publications
ISBNs 9781544363134, 9781544363127, 9781544363103, 9781544363110, 9781544363141, 9781071807040, 9781071807057
Publish Year 2020
Language Eng
Edition 10th