Basics of American Politics, The

16th Edition

Gary Wasserman; Elliott Fullmer
eISBN-13: 9780135694596

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<p>This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.</p> <p>For courses in American Government</p> <p>A lively, straightforward approach to the basics of American politics<br>The Basics of American Politics offers a concise and accessible introduction to the nuts and bolts of the American system of government. Throughout this brief, student-friendly text, author Gary Wasserman and new co-author Elliott Fullmer employ a dynamic game metaphor to engage students in the basics of American government and the contact sport of politics. The 16th Edition offers fresh topics that exemplify these times of political upheaval and reform, including President Trump’s recent policies as well as resistance from the left in the form of the #metoo movement and the actions of sanctuary cities.</p>

ISBNs 0135213916, 9780135213919, 0135694590, 9780135694596, 9780136711148
Language English
Edition 16th