Human Relations in Action

C. Kenneth Meyer, Lance J. Noe, Jeffrey A. Geerts, Garry L. Frank
eISBN-13: 9780977088157

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Additional Book Details

Human Relations in Action closes the loop between being immersed in theory and utilizing human relations in reality. The 46 case studies are artfully written and include nearly 200 essential concepts, notions and theory central to the study of human relations. As such, they invite focused analysis, discussion and real-life practice. The cases are imbedded in 2lst Century issues and problems and cut across the three economic sectors with clarity and realism. In brief, Human Relations in Action presents scenarios and slices of organizational life that are sure to arise as we encounter the dynamics and complexity of interpersonal and organizational relationships.

ISBNs 9780977088157, 0977088154, 9780977088157
Language English