Engineering Economic Analysis

14th Edition

Donald Newnan; Ted Eschenbach; Jerome Lavelle; Neal Lewis
eISBN-13: 9780190931940

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Additional Book Details

Engineering Economic Analysis offers comprehensive coverage of financial and economic decision-making for engineers, with an emphasis on problem solving, life-cycle costs, and the time value of money. The authors' clear, accessible writing, emphasis on practical applications, and relevant contemporary examples have made this text a perennial bestseller.

With its logical organization and extensive ancillary package, Engineering Economic Analysis is widely regarded as a highly effective tool for teaching and learning. The fourteenth edition includes crucial updates to cover new US tax laws and software that will algorithmically generate and automatically grade homework problems.

Sold By Oxford University Press
ISBNs 9780190932008, 0190931949, 9780190931940, 9780190931919, 9780190063467
Language English
Number of Pages 720
Edition 14th