
4th Edition

An Emphasis on Critical Thinking and Informal Logic

Stan Baronett
eISBN-13: 9780190691882

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Additional Book Details

Featuring an exceptionally clear writing style and a wealth of real-world examples and exercises, Logic: An Emphasis on Critical Thinking and Informal Logic, Fourth Edition, shows how logic relates to everyday life, demonstrating its applications in such areas as the workplace, media and entertainment, politics, science and technology, student life, and elsewhere. The examples and exercises were chosen to be interesting, thought-provoking, and relevant to students.

This alternate edition contains Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13 A-E, and 14 of the comprehensive edition.

The text is enhanced by Dashboard, Oxford University Press' learning management platform, which offers a wealth of learning resources, including interactive proof-checking and truth table exercises. The fourth edition features new illustrations in Chapter 1 and a new appendix, "The LSAT and Logical Reasoning."

Sold By Oxford University Press
ISBNs 0190691883, 9780190691882
Language English
Number of Pages 433
Edition 4th