Intro to Molecular Thermodynamics

1st Edition

Robert M. Hanson, Susan Green
eISBN-13: 9781938787638

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Additional Book Details

"I wish I had learned thermodynamics this way!" That’s what the authors hear all the time from instructors using Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics. Starting with just a few basic principles of probability and the distribution of energy, the book takes students (and faculty!) on an adventure into the inner workings of the molecular world like no other. Made to fit into a standard second-semester of a traditional first-year chemistry course, or as a supplement for more advanced learners, the book takes the reader from probability to Gibbs energy and beyond, following a logical step-by-step progression of ideas, each just a slight expansion of the previous.  Filled with examples ranging from casinos to lasers, from the “high energy bonds” of ATP to endangered coral reefs, Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics hits the mark for students and faculty alike who have an interest in understanding the world around them in molecular terms.

Sold By University Science Books
ISBNs 9781938787638, 1891389491, 9781891389498, 1938787633
Publish Year 2008
Language English
Number of Pages 320
Edition 1st